The Effects of Suspended Sediment for Caribbean Endangered Species Act and/or SCTLD Susceptible Corals
Project by HydroEcology Are Benefits of Freshwater Inflow Confounded with Degradation by Non-point Source Pollution in Lavaca and Matagorda Bays?
Project by HydroEcology A Hydrological Seesaw and its Effect on Alkalinity Dynamics in Estuaries Along a Climate Gradient
Project by HydroEcology Evaluation of the Proposal for Widening and Deepening the Matagorda Ship Channel
Project by HydroEcology Freshwater Inflows to Texas Bays and Estuaries: A State-wide Review, Synthesis, and Recommendations
Project by HydroEcology Long-term Benthic Data Informs Adaptive Management of Freshwater Inflow to the Texas Coastal Bend
Project by HydroEcology Assessment of the Relationship Between Freshwater Inflow and Biological Indicators in Lavaca Bay