Pu Huang, M.S.
Geospatial Analyst II
Research Staff
B.S. Geographic Information Systems, Wuhan University (2011)
M.S. Applied Geography, University of North Texas (2016)
Pu Huang is a Geospatial Analyst in the Coastal and Marine Geospatial Lab (CMGL) at Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies. He earned his B.S. in Geographic Information Systems from Wuhan University and his M.S. in Applied Geography from the University of North Texas. He also studied as a Ph.D. student in the Geospatial Computer Sciences program and worked as a teaching and researching assistant at TAMU-CC. His current work at CMGL includes GIS research, analysis, and modeling works which involve planning and directing certain phases of research projects and preparing deliverables for work primarily involving coastal science.