Mukesh Subedee
Mukesh Subedee is a Research Scientist in the Coastal & Marine Geospatial Lab (CMGL) at Harte Research Institute. He received his Master’s degree in Geographical Information Science (GIScience) and Remote Sensing at Clark University in 2014 and in Computer Science at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2010. He has expertise in coastal modeling, satellite remote sensing, web mapping and spatial analysis. His recent work at CMGL focuses on assessing the environmental and socioeconomic impacts due to long-term sea level rise and associated enhanced storm surge on the Texas coast. Prior to his position with HRI, Mukesh worked at the USGS- Western Fisheries Research Center as a Researcher/Developer, setting up web mapping services for the National Atlas of United States. He also worked as a Research Consultant for Wildlife Conservation Society to map marine habitats in the coast of Myanmar using satellite imagery. His research interests are in the field of GIScience, remote sensing and spatial analysis, and using them as tools for disseminating the information for the prediction of future scenarios.