The 2018 Annual Report is Here

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies is pleased to announce the release of our 2018 Annual Report!
Major changes are underway at HRI, among them the adoption of a new strategic plan for our institute, "Thinking Deep" 2018-2028" and our first steps toward achieving the goals laid out in that plan. Learn about our new mission, meet our three new HRI chairs and get acquainted with the science going on in their labs in the pages of our annual report.
We also observed the passing of HRI Founder, Former Endowed Chair for Biodiversity and Conservation Science and Professor Emeritus Dr. John "Wes" Tunnell Jr., and included in the report is a tribute to his life and work here at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
The report also includes the latest news about the work of our students, research staff and faculty, along with updates on major projects like:
- After Hurricane Harvey: Learn about some of the research being done at HRI to better understand the impacts of the storms huge freshwater flood, and to build a better disaster recovery system here in Texas.
- The Center for Sportfish Science and Conservation is undertaking one of its biggest projects ever, The Great Red Snapper Count, to solve a big problem — estimating the abundance of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico to better manage the fishery.
- An update on the Coastal and Marine Geospatial Sciences Lab's effort to model storm surge and sea level rise for the entire Texas Coast, and how that work is influencing policy in Texas.