Watch HRI's Center for Sportfish Science and Conservation on SHARK WEEK Wednesday, July 26!

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Center for Sportfish Science and Conservation (CSSC) and their shark tagging work will once again be featured on Discovery Channel’s popular “Shark Week” beginning Sunday, July 23.
Their episode, "The Lost Cage," will air at 8 p.m. Central on Wednesday, July 26 on Discovery.
"The Lost Cage" is the Sportfish Center's fourth appearance on Shark Week and follows “Return of Monster Mako” and “Monster Mako,” two specials that helped open Shark Week's 2015 and 2016 seasons and drew millions of viewers.
The CSSC runs a number of tagging programs to monitor shark populations and help fill information gaps about their lives in the Gulf. Working with fishermen, the CSSC has tagged more than 4,100 sharks along the Texas coast over the past seven years. The center has also partnered with the Texas State Aquarium and the nonprofit OCEARCH to use satellite tags to track Hammerhead, Tiger and Mako sharks. The tag pings with a location each time the shark surfaces, and millions of shark fans have followed the sharks’ movements online. You can learn more about that work through an interactive exhibit at the Texas State Aquarium, “Saving Sharks: Where Science and Sharks Meet.”
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