Montagna named Estuaries and Coasts Co-Editor-in-Chief

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas —Dr. Paul Montagna has been named Co-Editor-in-Chief of Estuaries and Coasts, the official journal of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF). Montagna is the Endowed Chair for Ecosystems and Modeling at the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and a Regents Professor in the Texas A&M University System.
“I am honored with the appointment as Co-Editor-in-Chief for the journal Estuaries and Coasts,” Montagna said. “As a long time member of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, I have always respected their journal enjoyed reading it. Being editor of the journal will be a capstone to my career.”
CERF is a multidisciplinary federation dedicated to studying and managing the structure and functions of estuaries and the effects of human activities on these fragile environments. As Co-Editor-in-Chief of Estuaries and Coasts, Montagna will assign associate editors to carry out the peer-review process and make final decisions about which articles to accept for publication. Estuaries and Coasts reviews more than 600 manuscripts per year. He will be working with Co-Editor-in-Chief Dr. Charles Simenstad.
Montagna is a marine ecologist whose research discovers how benthic ecosystems work and how that information guides resource management decision-making. He has broad experience in marine ecosystems, having worked on all trophic levels and all aquatic systems including tidal, freshwater, estuaries, and deep sea. His work has also spanned geographies, and he’s worked in the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Antarctic coastal oceans.
Montagna is a long-time CERF member, having chaired the 1995 conference in Corpus Christi. He served as CERF Member-at-Large between 1997 and 2001 and Gulf Estuarine Society President between 2004-2006.
He was honored by CERF in 2013 with its William A. Niering Outstanding Educator Award, which honors national leaders in estuarine education. He has also received the inaugural Coastal Champion Award from the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve, the Conservation & Environmental Stewardship Award from the Coastal Bend Bays Foundation, and the Senior Guest Scientist Award from the French NATO program. He has mentored 45 graduate students and 21 postdoctoral researchers. He has received more than $20 million in research awards and authored 232 publications including 1 book and 130 peer-reviewed articles.